Blueberry Baking

Wild blueberry picking. Definitely an adventure for those who have never done it before...especially for those who don't really know what the plants look like, where they grow, or hardly at all what to expect!
Mom, Katelyn, and I headed out Thursday morning with our friend Lyndi, her little boy Cayden, and his grandma, having very different goals for our picking (Lyndi expected enough for treats and us only hoping to find a couple). :)
We just pulled off the road, walked through the woods and scanned the ground for little bits of blue until we came to a gravel road, crossed to the other side, and found so many blueberries that we had to be careful not to step on them!
The next morning we decided to make a treat with our bucket of berries...
which turned out to be enough for 3 delicious treats with some leftover berries!
Our morning's menu consisted of:
for a before-brunch dessert :)
Blueberry Pancakes
for brunch
Blueberry Tart
for an after-brunch dessert

(we made some little heart-shaped tarts too!)

For the most part, Cayden was a good little helper picking berries and baking...however, I think his favorite part was eating as many blueberries as he could! :)



Lyndi said...

I love the pic and caption of Cayden eating the blueberries:)

Plus the pictures are so great I want to make/eat it all again! :)

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