Summer has ended...

...School has begun.
However, we want to backtrack a little bit on this blog of ours to post some of the fun times we've had in the last few weeks of summer...hopefully coming up soon! :)
As for today, I'll leave you with this...
Some exciting happenings in our backyard!
a HUGE hive
WAY up high in the tree
Our thoughts so far on how to get rid of it:
#1 Shoot an arrow at it from our deck to knock it down. Then, quickly run back inside the house to escape the angry swarm of bees! However, this somewhat crazy attempt isn't going to happen since we don't own a bow and arrows ;)
#2 Take the hose and power wash it down!
(the idea we've gone with so far)
#3 Leave it be...since we don't really have time to go in the backyard anyway! :)
If anyone has any better ideas, we'd be happy to hear them!

The Potted Garden

Our hopes for sun-ripened tomatoes have once again been denied...when will we learn our lesson to plant a little earlier?!?!

Still so very green!

So, to get a taste of the deliciousness of homegrown, sun-ripened tomatoes, we've been enjoying some of Grandma's and our Aunt's.

As for the peppers...well, they're doing a little better!

We have 3 decent sized ones that we'll be able to eat.

And there you have it...a little bit of the summertime happenings in our backyard! :)



Melanie said...

I am having the same sort of luck with my tomatoes! All green and the weather is already getting cold. Then, just today, my mother-in-law gave me this article that says when it gets too cold outside for them, pick them and put them in a shallow box and place them in a cool room out of direct sunlight. They will ripen slowly over the next few weeks! Cool, huh?! I always put them in the window sill but he said "don't do that!" So I guess I won't.

The Sisters said...

We've put our green tomatoes in the window sill before too...but now we'll have to try that idea! Thanks!

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