After a crazy year, we decided we needed a little breather...
the word vacation sounded delightful! And so...we recruited our own personal travel agent and great friend Lyndi! With her expertice in such things we found great deals and family connections for a car to drive down in, lodgings, and super deals on plane tickets back home.
Sounds wonderful, right? It was.
(A huge thank you to Lyndi!)
Day 1
We drove.
...finally arriving in southern Wisconsin to find a hotel for the night.
Day 2
We drove.
We drove through 5 states in one day...quite an achievement for us inexperienced travelers especially after the previous day of driving through only 1 state.
Indiana (again :)
(I guess it is 6 if you count Indiana twice...because of the winding interstate, we barely touched Ohio before we were back in Indiana)
In Kentucky we settled down for the night in an amazing new hotel where we swam, ate pizza, and relaxed and stretched our legs after the long drive.
The lobby was decked out in curtains.
Dad and Eliza had fun taking pictures in the circle lit-up mirror in one of the two bathrooms with sliding doors...which reminds us that at least three of us---we won't say who---panicked and jiggled the door thinking it was stuck...only to remember that it slides, not opens normally!
Look carefully and notice the coordination of Katelyn's shirt, the couch, and our vending machine drink...which Dad picked out to match our room...seriously he did! :) If you ever visit Kentucky...make sure to eat this pizza. It was delicious! (sorry the picture is blurry, but Dad would not wait for a picture to eat his pizza!)
More to come...
~Katelyn and Eliza
You guys have me laughing out loud at so many of the pictures! (getting stuck in the bathroom, matching drink, blurry pizza...)
Love this post! Can't wait to hear more about your trip!
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